The opioid epidemic will go on with or without me
I have made
Sex and snow
One hundred thousand
Times but this
Under the apple tree
In shit-black soil
A bloodhound
and I think about
Old flings, and
And how
am going to
And You
Have grown a new face
– Foam frames its mouth,
cocaine and saliva cling to its snout–
am here to wash it
And the bedsheets
In part because
of hangnails, split-ends, Gluttony
Miles crawled through the desert,
Repenting and
The lamb who bites her lip before her shearers:
Will she lead herself to the slaughter
With sufficient gratitude?
Presently, I step into the garden
But, the sound keeps coming
This piece was included in our inaugural print issue, Taboo. To explore this edition of MEUF Magazine, please visit the issues page.